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What you enjoy monthly: (5 month journey)

  • 10 themes / 2 teachings per month (explained below)

  • 1 live call per month (2 hrs. each call)

  • Downloadable worksheets

  • Personalized directional audios from me to encourage + track your journey (yes, this is just for you on a “one-on-one” basis)

  • Customized group (the group will have focuses based on similarities in life/entrepreneurship journey)

  • Private Whatsapp Group with ONLY the 8 ladies in your cohort.

  • Unlimited private access to me for any questions or road blocks you have during our journey together.

  • Few extra surprises I’ll keep secret for now.

Total investment: $1,650 full payment

or $380 per month (for 5 months)

 10 Themes covered :

All themes are explored through the focus + aim toward freedom, fulfillment, faith + fearlessness.


1- I D e n t i t y

We dive into character + who we are according to God’s word , integrity, the ego, power, strength, the root causes for fear, perfectionism, sabotage, paralysis, procrastination + healing from what’s been keeping us stuck. In this theme we’ll also discover your unique mind/spirit DNA to activate the most comprehensive fulfillment of your gifts, talents, abilities + offerings. (known or unknown)


2 - V i s i o n

We dive into the removal of unwanted noise, distraction, mental clutter and confusion as we make space for clarity, direction and a truly perceptive eye that leans into God’s roadmap in seeing the big picture, as well as the actionable small steps that get us there. In this theme we also explore your unique definition of success and how this God deposit on your life will pave the way for the blueprint we’ll begin to uncover in the coming weeks.


3 - P u r p o s e

We dive into what actually fuels the above mentioned vision. We discover what drives you, what makes the vision important enough to keep going…even when it gets tough + discouraging. Through a God lens, we’ll discover why you don’t need to hustle like crazy, live in a sea of comparison or feel suffocated by overwhelm to do “the thing/s.” In this theme we’ll also explore taking conscious ownership over our mindset, willpower + the attributes that support our success in what we set out to do.


4 - b a l a n c e

We dive into what it looks like to live with healthy boundaries and margins. (this is something most people don’t realize they live without/ or without enough of.) We discover + activate the freedom of our resources (time, money, relationships) when they are stewarded as God designed. In this theme we’ll establish conditions for FREEDOM where anxiety and fear don’t take the driver’s seat, but rather your agenda, energy levels, bank account, mind + all other resources, thank you.


5 - creative genius

We uncover + demystify the shame that has bound our creative inclinations out of fear that these attributes are somehow superficial or “less meaningful” than intrinsic value interests and see how much value the truly have to God + all that He has designed as an expression of His creative nature. We dive into the psychological and emotional impact of creativity in our lives, from our surroundings + space to the way we dress and carry ourselves. We also explore the benefits of variety + outlets in a creative life.

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6 - S a c r e d P l a y

We dive into the dynamics + facets of rest + play, (mentally, emotionally + physically) and how they’re not only “good for you,” but absolutely paramount in sustaining a radically fulfilling + impactful life. We explore the concept of {rest}oration in a life of cycles. (everything is a cycle… each day/month/year, etc.) This theme is also essential in the overall enjoyment of everyday experiences, the development of creative sparks + new ideas and the space we create to let God’s agenda download onto us.


7 - joy + resilience

This theme is what establishes the foundation for an unstoppable life. We create a readiness framework for the setbacks + obstacles that are inevitable… but with the development of true resilience you’ll bounce back faster and stronger each time. The “failures” will no longer be a title, but a simple event in your timeline, and joy becomes your “state” rather than a temporary emotion.


8 - M O N E Y

In this theme we delve into the law of divine compensation and God’s dynamic design for stewardship. We unearth common myths and shed light on the oh-so-widespread taboos in the realm of money. We’ll also dive into the universal principles for financial success and the tangible ways to apply them with simplicity.


9 - M I N D S E T

In this theme we look at some of the most recent and innovative findings within the neuroscience universe and excavate how these facts support and prove timeless scriptural promptings, where God exhorts us to renew our mind. We delve into what this actually means and how to do it in the most effective, sustainable and lasting way.

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1 0 - A c t u a l i z a t i o n

In this final theme, we culminate with an action plan that has been developing through the habits, exercises and promptings of the previous themes and weeks working together. We fine tune the details of how you’ll activate this roadmap in the following weeks + months as you pursue the projects God has laid on your heart through actionable + palpable goals.

What are you waiting for sis?

This delicious journey awaits you, so take one of the biggest chances you can possibly swing your way. This may just be one of the most radical moves of your life…

Wanna hear what other ladies have to say?

first, WATCH THIS…

Here’s a little compilation of what some of the ladies shared about their experience, results and life after Radical Woman Roadmap.

and still, some more…


Have questions about the program? Shoot me a line sister!

(I’ll get back to you right away.)

“Popularity is when others know you. Significance is when they know you for bettering their life”

— Hugette Montesinos